Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why am I starting this blog?

I don't know. One day I woke up and decided I wanted to write a blog that is totally me. Family blogs are great but I am always careful about what I write and I feel all this pressure to show how cutesie my family is and spell everything right. I named this blog Melgo's Thoughts because I am Melgo. Deep inside thats the girl I am and always want to be. Sister Ellis, Melanie, Miss Melanie, and Mel are fine but Melgo is totally goofy, careless, and laid back. My grandpa gave me that name when I was little and it stuck. People who knew me when I was Melgo knew that I was messy, funny, and chill. People who met me as Melanie, or even worse: Sister Ellis, probably think I am somewhat stressy with all the jobs I juggle and how I can get caught up in keeping up with the Jones's or in this case, the perfect mormon mommies who don't exist. I'd like to take myself back to the old school and just be who I am and write about whatever random thing is on my mind pretending that no one is reading this. So stay tuned to hear some of my most deep and most shallow, most spiritual and secular, most opinionated and stupid, exciting and boring random stories and thoughts.

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