Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Line up for some free eggs...

I am prideful. I don't like welfare. I appreciate its purpose as a means to an end but I hate being in this position. I've heard it said that there is always a price you pay for "free" stuff. I think the price you pay is freedom. I seriously just had my kids poked and prodded and weighed and measured like cattle while I sat in a waiting room full of people with an angry social worker who had no sympathy for my one year old who didn't want to cooperate. All for some eggs, milk, and peanut butter. Just know that I'm sorry I use people's tax money right now and I hate it and as soon as Jarom graduates we will pay whatever price for health insurance, we'll buy all the peanut butter we can afford, and then pay through the nose in taxes to pay back and support other people who are hopefully going to contribute to society one day.

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