Saturday, August 22, 2009

Recovering Shop-A-Holic

I'm Melanie Ellis and I'm a shop-a-holic. I've been clean for way too long. I love to shop. I love the smell of new clothes, the dollar bins at target and digging through crap and finding a treasure. I love showing what I bought to my semi-interested probably mostly faking it husband, even if its something tiny. Well since we became muy pobre (doesn't sound as bad in Spanish) I've had to give up my favorite hobby. But I have found ways to keep the high flowing in. Its kind of like my idea of a nicotine patch for a smoker. When we need something besides groceries for the house I get real excited. For example, our mop fell apart a few weeks ago so I did all my grocery shopping and when I was done I was so excited to move on to the cleaning section. I spent about 15 minutes holding different mops, comparing price and quality and ringer contraptions. It wasn't the full blown excitement that I used to experience with shopping but at least I bought something that isn't edible. I'm afraid of myself in 16 months when Jarom's done with school. I'm afraid I might fall off the wagon permanently. Oh yeah and if you ever like draw my name for Christmas or something, I have two words for you: GIFT CARD.

1 comment:

  1. LILI! I love your blog. I'm not just saying that either. I really do love reading what you're writing. You are a great writer...did I not know that? Were you too busy studying for abnormal psych in school to show off your skills? Well, you did write I've reached the sun... so I should have known. I had so much fun with you and I can't wait to come see you, j, and the kiddies when I can make it down there! Love ya!
