Monday, September 14, 2009

Workin' It!

No this is not a video of me workin' it, though I should post one of me doing the new hip hop dance Rachel taught me because for some reason I look like the biggest dork doing it! Whats up with that? I'm supposed to be all ghetto and stuff!!
Anyway, thats not with this post is about. I feel like me and Jarom are moving along like a well-oiled machine right now! We are just making this school thing work and I know that it is from a lot of prayer that we are able to accomplish the things we are accomplishing. I feel like I am slowly finding a balance and that is very energizing to me. Sure I have bad days but overall I am able to make a plan, stick to it, squeeze in most things I need to do and have a little RNR. Jarom is awesome. He is doing his school, starting a new job, taking care of the kids while I teach, and still finding time to help me with chores and stuff. I feel like this next year of school is going to be a fond memory someday of hardwork, humility, and blessings. And the best part, we are so much happier than last year. Sometimes you have to go with what the Spirit is telling you even though it seems crazy! (even when it says lets give up a good job with benefits to go back to school and start over in a new career and get 35,000 more in debt) Thats what we did and its the right thing. I know now just like I knew then. What do people do without prayer? I didn't know how it would work out but I'm starting to see that it will. Just 14 months and counting!

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