Thursday, September 3, 2009

Enrichment Anxiety

Places like enrichment bring out this strange quality in me, especially being fairly new in a ward. I walk into enrichment with a small knot in my stomach. I imagine that instant when you walk in and everyone is already in their conversations (because I'm usually late) and sitting at their tables. The embarrassment of standing there looking for someone to sit with and feeling like everyone is staring at you almost makes me not want to go. BUT- that's only whats happening on the inside. On the outside I immediately sit down and start taking over the conversation. I start searching my brain for little things I remember about people and asking them all kinds of questions about their life. If there is a silent moment I jump on it quickly and try to make everyone feel comfortable. Its funny because I think, hmmm these people probably think I'm pretty social and outgoing, little do they know, I am just pretty good at suppressing the in-born shyness. My mom is so the same way. At my wedding reception in Animas, she was pinching me and telling me she was going to die of embarrassment and in the same breath she was in an all-out laughing, wonderful conversation with some random person she didn't know! I just divulged my secret, so just know if you see me at enrichment, I'm really dying inside.


  1. Ha ha....I can totally see your mom doing that. I think that more often than not, people that look like they are social butterflies are dying inside too. I don't think you're totally alone. The more we do it though, the easier it becomes and the more comfortable we feel.

  2. I'm so glad I read this--it confirms that everyone has fears! I never would have seen you as being anything but outgoing, friendly, confident...
    Years ago I dreaded going to "Homemaking" (I'm so old!) for this reason exactly. It's so amazing to look back and see how the Lord blesses us when we do hard things. I now look forward to every meeting--because I've seen how much I learn and become better with each one. I can't say the anxiety is gone, but it's definitely gotten easier. Thanks for sharing your SECRET! =)

    p.s. I love this blog--so glad I stumbled across it! Wish I had time to leave comments on all your posts. GOOD STUFF!!!
