Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I have a sliver in my foot and I like it.

You know whats cool? Its cool when a situation happens when you should be depressed but you're just not! This really cool girl I know is going through a hard divorce. I felt so bad for her for a while but then I started noticing something. She has a new bounce in her step, she is more outgoing, she has some sort of light going on that she didn't have before. When I talked to her about it, she confirmed that she feels so much better about herself. So much happier. I feel ten times happier than last year when Jarom was in that wicked career with that wicked witch as a boss... I couldn't stand it. But last year we had security, we had a good job, etc... this year we are wingin' it and much happier. So I guess the moral of the story is, we never know what the Lord has in store and so we shouldn't be frightened by situations that may seem scary. We should just step forward and take what life gives us!

1 comment:

  1. That is so true! So many times things have not gone as I want them, but in the end I realize that it was so much for the better and that the Lord really does know what he is doing.
