Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I have a sliver in my foot and I like it.

You know whats cool? Its cool when a situation happens when you should be depressed but you're just not! This really cool girl I know is going through a hard divorce. I felt so bad for her for a while but then I started noticing something. She has a new bounce in her step, she is more outgoing, she has some sort of light going on that she didn't have before. When I talked to her about it, she confirmed that she feels so much better about herself. So much happier. I feel ten times happier than last year when Jarom was in that wicked career with that wicked witch as a boss... I couldn't stand it. But last year we had security, we had a good job, etc... this year we are wingin' it and much happier. So I guess the moral of the story is, we never know what the Lord has in store and so we shouldn't be frightened by situations that may seem scary. We should just step forward and take what life gives us!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What I learned this Sunday

First, I learned that I am the worst time manager- no never mind, I already knew that. So we were late to church and missed the sacrament. Bummer. But the talk today was on sharing your talents and it was really good, followed by a good musical number. Dang I can't remember why I liked it so much but I did. I should really take notes.

Then we entered the jungle. Yes we are now in nursery. Cute and fun little stinkers. I learned that I overestimated the kids attention spans for sure. (we have the youngest group) Jack got to go in with us and I learned that he is just as big as all the kids that are way older and he can hold his own! More on that on my other blog.

Here is the spiritual growth of the day. I had to show a house that I am renting out. This woman asked many good questions about the house and had a great family. Before she took an application, she asked me if I was LDS. I didn't know what she was wanting to hear but of course I said yes without hesitation. She then just lit up. She just joined the church very recently and was worried about switching wards. She then told me how happy she is and how much peace she feels. Just as I was noticing the pricklies on my arm she told me she had goosebumps. She said that she feels like she is the opposite of Adam and Eve. That she was in the lone and dreary world for so long and now she has the light of the Gospel. I could just feel it radiate from her. What a great reminder of what I have and have always had. So even if I never see this woman again, she bore testimony to me and strengthened my testimony. I hope I can do that for others more often.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Workin' It!

No this is not a video of me workin' it, though I should post one of me doing the new hip hop dance Rachel taught me because for some reason I look like the biggest dork doing it! Whats up with that? I'm supposed to be all ghetto and stuff!!
Anyway, thats not with this post is about. I feel like me and Jarom are moving along like a well-oiled machine right now! We are just making this school thing work and I know that it is from a lot of prayer that we are able to accomplish the things we are accomplishing. I feel like I am slowly finding a balance and that is very energizing to me. Sure I have bad days but overall I am able to make a plan, stick to it, squeeze in most things I need to do and have a little RNR. Jarom is awesome. He is doing his school, starting a new job, taking care of the kids while I teach, and still finding time to help me with chores and stuff. I feel like this next year of school is going to be a fond memory someday of hardwork, humility, and blessings. And the best part, we are so much happier than last year. Sometimes you have to go with what the Spirit is telling you even though it seems crazy! (even when it says lets give up a good job with benefits to go back to school and start over in a new career and get 35,000 more in debt) Thats what we did and its the right thing. I know now just like I knew then. What do people do without prayer? I didn't know how it would work out but I'm starting to see that it will. Just 14 months and counting!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Oh my gosh! The Cougs are freakin Legit!!! (Ok so maybe OK would've had a chance if their quarterback wouldn't have gotten hurt) But a W is a W. I am so happy! And now we have to figure out a way to watch all the Cougar games. #9 #9 oh my gosh, why couldn't they have been this good when I was there and had season tickets every year and sat my butt out in the cold to watch them lose time and time again? Its ok at least I can say I am a true fan and now I can revel in their glory! The best part- BYU football is one of the only sports team me and Jarom agree on.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Enrichment Anxiety

Places like enrichment bring out this strange quality in me, especially being fairly new in a ward. I walk into enrichment with a small knot in my stomach. I imagine that instant when you walk in and everyone is already in their conversations (because I'm usually late) and sitting at their tables. The embarrassment of standing there looking for someone to sit with and feeling like everyone is staring at you almost makes me not want to go. BUT- that's only whats happening on the inside. On the outside I immediately sit down and start taking over the conversation. I start searching my brain for little things I remember about people and asking them all kinds of questions about their life. If there is a silent moment I jump on it quickly and try to make everyone feel comfortable. Its funny because I think, hmmm these people probably think I'm pretty social and outgoing, little do they know, I am just pretty good at suppressing the in-born shyness. My mom is so the same way. At my wedding reception in Animas, she was pinching me and telling me she was going to die of embarrassment and in the same breath she was in an all-out laughing, wonderful conversation with some random person she didn't know! I just divulged my secret, so just know if you see me at enrichment, I'm really dying inside.