Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Weekly Grind

I had the absolute greatest beginning to my week! I was on fire with working out, studying scriptures, getting stuff done, eating healthy, organizing, being a very intentional and patient mom... and then by Friday I was eating cheetoes for a snack, not making it to the gym, exhausted, in a grouchy mood, and feeling the weight of the world! How does this happen in ONE WEEK? So I'm going to analyze this puppy out so I can figure it out- I'm determined.

So any good detective looks for clues and follows their gut to solve a mystery (lets go Walt Longmire style) .
Sunday and Monday Nights:
- prepped for the next day with list, a plan and stuff laid out
- in bed before 10- watched a show but asleep by 11
Monday and Tuesday morning:
- both next mornings- went to the gym at 5:15am
- listened to a talk on the way and read some scriptures later that day
- scriptures with the fam before school
- mind stayed focused all day and got lots done
- took a small power nap at 11am before work on Tuesday
Tuesday Night:
- In bed fairly early, watched more tv, fell asleep watching it
- woke up feeling sore,
- Scriptures with the fam
-went to an 8:45 Piyo class that I loved!
- Forgot to listen to a talk
- wasted some time on my phone
Wednesday Night
- marathoned Longmire with Jarom (like 3 episodes) went to bed super late!
- zero prep for Thursday
Thursday Morning
- got up SO reluctantly after 5 alarms
- quick rushed scriptures
- almost late to school
- no work out
Thursday Night
- went to Walmart with the kids for Mal's bday and had fun but got home at 9:15pm
-in bed around 11, prepared a tiny bit for Friday (made a grocery list)
- no work out
- scriptures with the kids was good, but didn't get to mine until night and was only awake enough to read a couple verses.
- lots of time , feeling entitled to be lazy after a "rough week"
- feeling entitled to bad food because of having ate so good this week
- feeling grumpy and tired and mad at the world ha!

As I'm recalling my week, its pretty clear what has happened-
My fortifications to having a great day:
- spiritual nourishment (scriptures, prayer, service)
- physical nourishment (good food, exercise, power naps, early bed time, early wake time)
- planning! (if you fail to plan, you plan to fail right?!)

I honestly thought I was mentally and physically exhausted because of outside sources! I had a rough week at work with a few different things going that have taken their toll. Sure, this could add to my stress level but I can't help but to think, what if I had continued on the course I had set out upon early in my week? Would I be better equipped to handle any issue that comes my way? I am pretty certain I would.
**"temperate- showing moderation or self-restraint
We are asked to be temperate in all things. So 1 episode- great! 3- no Bueno. Practicing self-restraint by sticking to a schedule that will ensure that I am at my greatest possible capacity each day is temperance at its finest. If I have that clear mind, I can take on the world!

I'm not beating myself up too bad- this tends to happen lots in my life and I'm so so grateful for Sundays- a time to reflect, a time to rest, to repent and to make commitments to do better! It seems Heavenly Father knew we would screw up by Fridays!

I just have to keep trying to put first things first and to be a little better each week!

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