Sunday, October 20, 2013

Who is Melgo?

I'm a mom, I'm a wife, I am a daughter, a sister, a friend (not always a good one). I am a Young Women junkie, a dance fanatic, a knowledge seeker. I am a self-analyzer, a pretend chef (when I'm in the mood), kinda messy, kinda lazy. I am a church-goer, a bit judgmental of judgmental people. I'm someone who needs to feel like I'm helping, someone who seeks approval from others, someone who gets anxiety in confrontations, that talks a big talk but doesn't walk the walk. I'm anxious when I talk about my dad, or losing my grandpa, or my mom's re-marriage. Things that hurt, things that were hard cause the beating heart. I don't like to be rebuked, or told what to do, or to disappoint people. I hate to disappoint. I don't like seafood too much, nor snakes or spiders. I enjoy reading but choose to watch mindless tv too much. I try to read the scriptures but don't enjoy them as much as I should. I love honest people, honest things, though I am not always honest. I gossip too much with my mom sisters and try to hard to appear that I don't to other people. I need my mom's approval/attention but pretend I don't. I love my family, I love my little kids. I put them above my husband sometimes and have to remind myself to focus on him. I like to have fun, things have to be fun. Not celebrating milestones or holidays makes me depressed. I have had to lower my expectations of life to help myself maintain a positive attitude. Sounds depressing but its really not- my expectations were way too high, a few hard knocks and reality checks lowered those expectations to a manageable maintenance. I am a night owl, a loud laugher and a sleeper inner. I feel the beat in music and it flows through me ha till I'm locking and popping like a B-girl. I'm a pretend Mexican that loves the culture and feels comfortable being the only white girl in the room. I use fake cuss words way too much but I use lots of positive words too. The world looks bleak and depressing when I am tired and its nothing a little sleep doesn't fix up! I can't stand mean people. I want to change the world. I like to daydream about my next big idea.  I don't like to go unnoticed but I realize that this can be a severe weakness in my quest for humility so I fight against that trait and try to temper myself. I am a problem-solver and can't stand endless complaints. I try to fix others problems even when they don't want me to. I don't hold people accountable for things- I just want to forgive and forget and have everything be ok. I am a forgiving person. I laugh at inappropriate times! I can eat too much often but don't mind working out. I like chocolate slim fast more than most meals I consume. I take things too far to make people laugh. I don't mind being laughed at most the time. I am good at faking it till I make it. I am pretty corny and and don't mind acting like a complete dork- also to get laughs. My embarrassing moments are of public record. I am loyal to my family.

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