Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I am pretty lucky :)

I had a fun day. The stress has eased a little bit and things have settled for the moment. I loved dance today. My students are seriously precious, every single one of them! Especially that Lydi of course! And Jackson gave me the biggest tightest hug when I came in for a water break. I am so lucky that I get to teach these awesome kids under the same roof as my family. I actually get to go in and get a tight squeeze from Jack in the middle of work (if you can call it that). There are some things about it that can be hard or a little stressful but the actual teaching is so awesome!

There is one little girl (just turned 3) who never dances and today I just had an idea pop in my head. Ok so it was a form of bribery but whatever the case she danced! She looked so cute doing it too and she actually knew the routine (or could follow pretty well). It was a fun success for me tonight. Good day.

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