Monday, December 7, 2009

Book Review: The Peacegiver

Two Thumbs Up!
This book was totally not what I expected. But I don't really want to give a synopsis, I just want to go into what I learned:

Loving People: I learned that loving people is really just seeing them through God's eyes. When we have a problem, with a friend, a spouse, a relative and we let it stir us up to anger, the sin is our own. No matter what they did, the sin is still our own. Even if we are in the right, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because Heavenly Father doesn't judge us according to the sins of others, we are judged on our own accord. So if they are doing something wrong, and then we judge them harshly, hold a grudge, let it make us mad, then we have done something wrong too and we are both sinners. We are all sinners and the only way to the Lord is through Christ. As soon as we choose to follow Him, He will lift our burdens and make them light again. If we continue letting anger and hatred fill our lives, regardless of what is being done to us, then we are choosing the way of Satan and peace will not be found. The "motes" that we find in others eyes are BECAUSE of the "beams" that our in our own. Our sinfulness leads us to judge others, take offense and hold grudges. We must learn to forgive because when we choose not to, we are sinning and therefore can not feel peace.

The Atonement:
The book illustrated the Atonement in a light I had never seen before. We all know that Christ suffered for our sins. But what does that mean? As we sin the "flaxen cord" by which Satan has a hold of our hearts becomes a thick chain to lead us down to hell. Each time we choose to follow Satan, whether it be an obvious sin or just choosing to do something other than praying or going to church, our eyes become a little more darkened, we become a little more lost. Christ, being perfect of course, went down each dark path we would've been lost in and found a way out. The difficulty of changing your heart when you sin is too much for man to bear. Christ did it for us and only He could've done that. I picture us lost in the dark and Christ coming down to us, finding us and carrying us out one by one. But to do that he had to experience the agony that is felt when recovering from sin. Every sin for every person. That is why as soon as we choose to follow Him completely, our burdens will be lifted and peace will be found on our way back.

There is no justification for sin. Its either a sin or its not. Sins bring us distress, hatred, or as I like to call it, an icky feeling inside. Non-sins bring us peace and happiness. It really is that simple. No ones actions will justify us and make us feel like we are in the right when we are not. We have to turn to the Lord and abandon sin. Just love others.

I highly recommend this book and I hope the change of heart that I have felt reading it sticks with me.