Tuesday, July 21, 2009

El Paso 4th Ward

Wards in the "mission field" are so different than wards in Utah or Arizona. I had forgotten what it was like until I went back to my hometown this past weekend. Now don't get me wrong, there are so many great people here and so many times when I really learn and feel the Spirit at church. There are definite benefits from strength in numbers. BUT, going to testimony in El Paso is just a sweet experience. That ward is probably 75% converts. To hear how everyone has found the gospel and there amazing testimonies is so cool. Seeing the gospel through their eyes sheds a new light on it for me. I realize that at times the competition of living around a whole bunch of other Mormons can really take away from the important things. Sometimes, whos kids have the prettiest hair accessories and who owns the coolest boat gets in the way of true heartfelt service without seeking gratitude or recognition.

These people helped raise me and took part in my joys and sadnesses. So I live in AZ. Thats ok. If you don't like the culture- change your culture! Change my attitude about everyone and everything. Don't fall into the trap of comparison. Don't stereotype. Get to know each person as an individual. Even the ones with the boats and pretty hair stuff! Don't worry if you aren't included- invite everyone for a movie night and then you will definitely be included! Love other peoples kids! Go to their receptions, graduations etc... just love.